What is the craziest thing you have ever said (or done) at an interview and still got the job? 你在面试时说过或者做过什么疯狂的事情,而且你还是得到了这份工作? 获得11.9k好评@Stan Hanks The interviewer, a......[2016-05-18] 【查看详情】
The last time I wrote about the widespread use of English, a reader commented that those who didnt speak it as a first language often struggled at work. 我上次就英语的普遍使用撰写专栏后,一位读者说,那些母语不是英......[2016-05-18] 【查看详情】
The power of a sentence is tremendous. A single destructive sentence can ruin somebodys life, make your day, or change your mood. 言语的力量是无穷的。一句简单的话可以毁掉生活,可以成就生活,也可以转变你的心......[2016-05-18] 【查看详情】